Global Sovereign Advisory

GSA advises governments and other sovereign entities on all their strategic, economic, and financial issues.

Mbaye Babacar Diouf

Global Sovereign Advisory

GSA advises governments and other sovereign entities on all their strategic, economic, and financial issues.

Our approach

Global Sovereign Advisory is an international firm with offices in Abu Dhabi and Paris, offering a unique sovereign advisory service. Its holistic approach to strategic, economic and financial issues is based on three pillars: Public Policies, Transactions and Macro Research.

Our values

“Debt is primarily a political issue; it is imperative that we become informed citizens to make the right choices. Our enemy is ignorance.”

Anne-Laure Kiechel, Founder and President of Global Sovereign Advisory

What we do

Global Sovereign Advisory offers concrete solutions, combining academic expertise, technical knowledge, and real-world experience, constantly focusing on anticipation.

Our team

Global Sovereign Advisory relies on a team of 40 professionals from 10 different nationalities and 50 world-renowned experts, free from any conflicts of interest, and dedicated to knowledge and expertise sharing.

Our studies

GSA experts regularly produce studies, analyses, and briefings for decision-makers and observers in the economic and financial world. Explore them here.

Our last tweets

📰Mutation des routes commerciales, "pays-tampons" et émergence du "#friendshoring" : @alkiechel et @JulienMarcilly décryptent les nouvelles tendances du commerce international en 2024 dans @lemondefr.
Retrouvez leur tribune ⬇

#Economics #Macro

.@JulienMarcilly, chef économiste chez @globalsov, revient dans @LesEchos sur notre étude sur le #surendettement des pays émergents et les risques immenses que la fuite des capitaux étrangers fait courir au développement de ces sociétés.

.@alkiechel, fondatrice et Présidente de @globalsov, et @JulienMarcilly, économiste senior, reviennent dans @LePoint sur les questions de soutenabilité des dettes publiques des états africains et de la perte de #souveraineté qui y est associée. 🌍